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Celtic FC stadium redevelopment to include hotel & museum

Celtic FC has put forward an application to Glasgow City Council to redevelop the area around its stadium, including a new hotel, museum, ticket facility and retail store.

As part of Celtic’s long-standing masterplan for the area, the scheme aims to deliver further regeneration of the East End of the city.

Celtic pointed out the application represents 'only the first stage' in the process and it is 'important to emphasise that considerable work and investment over a number of years would be required'.

A statement from the club added: 'There would be a number of challenges to overcome to complete a development of this scale.

'Celtic aims to be a world-class football club in everything it does. We are pleased to have made significant investment in recent years to develop the stadium and public realm area for the benefit of our supporters.

'Any further development of this kind would be a hugely positive step for the club, for our supporters and for the local community.'