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BBPA supports amendment on pub planning issues

The Government is to put forward its own new amendment on pub planning issues in the Neighbourhood Planning Bill, allowing pub operators the specific right to extend the restaurant use of their pubs without requiring planning permission.

British Beer & Pub Association's Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds has commented on the new clause, “We are looking at this in detail with our members, but it is clear that this new, alternative proposal from the Government has moved a very considerable distance to address our concerns, which is good news.

“Under this new amendment, rather than being placed in a class of their own, pubs would remain in the A4 use-class, with the specific right to extend restaurant use of the pub without requiring planning permission - we had been very concerned that food-led pubs could have been disadvantaged by the House of Lords’ original amendment.

“This proposal should also remove an incentive for local authorities to pursue Article 4 directions and for ACV ‘mass listings’, which would be a positive step.”