Latest sports stats
Caterlyst Insights has found that the sports sector makes up 0.2% of the total value of the foodservice industry. Key facts & stats include: • Total number of outlets: 1,050 • Market value: £194m • Average yearly attendance: 75.1m • Largest sport by number of attendees: football - Tottenham Hotspur's new stadium offers 65 food and drink outlets, plus bakery and micro-brewery. It serves around £1m in beer sales on match days. • Top event by attendees: Wimbledon 473k - Number of meals served at Wimbledon 2019 (the last fully attended year): 234k - Number of strawberries & cream portions: 192k - Number of glasses of Pimms: 276k • Attendance at the major Rugby Uion matches: 2 million - Rugby Uniom match catering and hospitality generates over 40% of Twickenham stadium's income • Average attendance at UK horse racing fixtures in the UK: 3,800 for jump meetings, 4,200 for flat racing
15/Feb/2022 14:01
Facts and StatsSports & Leisure