
Hollywood Bowl reports strong revenue growth

Hollywood Bowl, the UK's largest ten-pin bowling operator, has posted a trading update for the six months ended 31 March 2018.

The group has traded well through the first half of the financial year with total revenue growth of 9.3% and like-for-like (LFL) revenue growth of 4%.

This continued strong LFL performance has been driven by the ongoing successful execution of our organic growth strategy of investment in enhancing our customer experience. This has included the refurbishment of Bradford Hollywood Bowl and the rebrand and refurbishment of Bowlplex centres in Birmingham and Dunfermline.

The firm continues to expand its nationwide portfolio and customer reach with its 58th and 59th centres opening in Dagenham and Yeovil, both of which are performing in line with management's expectations.

In addition, the group's new centre pipeline has been further strengthened with centres signed for development in exciting new leisure schemes in Swindon and Southend.

Stephen Burns, Chief Executive Officer of Hollywood Bowl Group, said, 'We are pleased with our half year performance, with results in line with our expectations. The Group had another very successful Christmas, delivering LFL sales growth for the sixth consecutive year over this important trading period.

'Our teams are focused on maximising the opportunities created by our ongoing refurbishment and new centre programme in the second half of the year and continuing to deliver great value experiences for our customers across our estate.'

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