
Houston & Hawkes welcomes new food director

London-based catering company, Houston & Hawkes has announced David Steel is to join its senior team as director of food.

Houston & Hawkes was founded by catering industry ‘names’ Simon Houston and Dave Hawkes in 2019 and provide catering and hospitality services to businesses across London and the South East.

Steel joining the team will help Houston & Hawkes further develop food concepts, he will head up the company’s culinary development programme and will work closely with the company’s UK based suppliers to ensure chefs have access to high quality, seasonal produce.

Steel is well known and highly respected within the catering business and joins from Bartlett Mitchell, where he was previously chef director for business development.
Dave Hawkes, Director, Houston & Hawkes

Dave Hawkes, co-director of Houston & Hawkes, said, “David has an impeccable track record and we are thrilled he will be joining our team. He is a passionate, charismatic and astute leader and we have no doubt that he will be a huge source of culinary inspiration for our team members throughout our business.”

Steel added, “I am so excited to be joining Houston & Hawkes at this stage in their development, as I have a unique opportunity to help shape the long-term look and feel of the business’s food proposition.

“I am looking forward to working alongside a team of passionate and talented chefs, to further develop a food offer that is unique and special in the marketplace.”

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