Tower Hamlets Late Night Levy bad for local pubs, says BBPA

The BBPA has expressed disappointment that Tower Hamlets Council has decided to implement a Late Night Levy and has warned that that the decision will have a negative impact on local pubs and the wider night-time economy. The BBPA had responded to a consultation on the issue in 2016.

Tower Hamlets Council approved the decision to implement the Levy on 18th January, and it will be introduced on 1 June 2017.

BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds commented, “The BBPA has always been opposed to Late Night Levies and we have made our views clear to local authorities pursuing them.

“They need to think carefully how a Late Night Levy would affect a vibrant night-time economy and whether partnership with local businesses, such as through a Business Improvement District (BID), would not be better for residents and local businesses.

Simmonds continued, 'Local pubs are unfairly burdened by the Levy, which is effectively a direct tax, even though they are often heavily engaged with several local partnership initiatives that provide effective local solutions to local problems.

“In 2016 we saw Cheltenham Council announce that it will end its Levy in favour of a BID. It is the first Council to do so and shows that the Council understands the need to work in close partnership with local businesses rather than to impose a punitive tax.

“We hope that other councils will take note of Cheltenham’s more positive approach.”