Just Eat reports vegan orders soared in January

Just Eat has once again seen a huge increase in demand for vegan food over January 2022 as thousands of people went meat and dairy free for Veganuary.

Vegan orders on the food delivery platform soared by a whopping 1000 per cent this January, compared to the same time period three years ago.

There was also a 75% increase in vegan food orders compared to January 2021. The figures point to a lasting change in public behaviour, as consumers begin to consider healthier, more sustainable, food choices.

The top 5 UK areas seeing the most vegan orders in January 2022 were London, Glasgow, Manchester, Edinburgh and Liverpool.

Just Eat published its responsible business plan last year with ‘food’ being a key pillar of action. The business committed to respond to chang¬ing diets and pref¬er¬ences by offer¬ing the broad¬est pos¬si¬ble choice and pro¬vid¬ing clear and trans¬par¬ent infor¬ma¬tion for con¬sumers on more sustainable food options.

Thousands of consumers tried Veganuary during the first month of the year, choosing to try out vegan options and meat alternatives. Veganuary hit a new landmark with more than 600,000 people officially taking part in 2022.

Andrew Kenny, Managing Director for Just Eat UK, said: “There’s always a big buzz around Veganuary, and these figures show that going vegan isn’t just another fleeting food trend. With consumers becoming more aware of health and the climate crisis over the last few years, choosing healthier and more sustainable food is now a booming part of what people are ordering.”

Leon's Vegan Sausage Muffin is pictured.